Whether you are the editor of a local weekly, the picture desk of a national daily, or a features writer on a glossy magazine, you need to know if you call on a editorial photographer that they will send back the right pictures at the right time. Good photographs sell the story. And selling the story is what it is all about, never forgetting that deadlines are set in stone.

I have a reputation for working well under pressure, and communicating effectively, whether covering fashion shows, major events or natural disasters. Having a nose for the right people to talk to. Building contacts and knowing how to gain access. Asking the right questions and really listening to the answers. All these are as important as the right kit, a laptop and a mobile phone. And if you need lifestyle or fashion images, or editorial portraiture, my experience in commercial and social photography gives me an edge on style. I am also adept at cirumventing over-enthusastic PR minders. Consequently I get the shots I want rather than the ones they want to give me.

As a member of the Chartered Institute of Journalists, I hold a UK Press Card Authority national press card. I am available as an editorial photographer for assignments worldwide. Contact me here.