Event and schools photography

Schools & Events

Event photography is increasingly popular. American style High School Proms grow in number every year. Traditional events like Ladies’ Nights are as popular as ever, and parties are always a big hit. And with schools parents are looking for something inspiring and better value. Michael Cockerham is the right person to approach for schools & events photography

Whatever you are planning, a photographer can enhance what will already be an exciting event. I provide services to meet all your needs. Including state of the art green screen technology and instant on-site printing solutions. I have a number of pricing options available depending on what you want to achieve with your event. Call me for availability and further information.

Similarly I offer bespoke solutions for schools photography. With nearly 30 years’ experience providing portrait pack shots, class photographs, year photographs, and even entire schools. Fully DBS checked and with robust privacy and data protection policies, you can trust me to deliver. Not just great photos but additional services that remove the administrative burden from overstreched school staff.

The key to effective schools photography is careful planning and good logistics. A thousand portraits in a day is not unreasonable. Tracked, traced and secure, with the minimum imposition on the school’s administrative staff, and minimum disruption to classes. There is no excuse for dull unimaginative school photographs.

Each school is different, so each solution has to be tailor made. Please get in touch to see how changing your school photographer could bring better results.